1: 1. Not researching cultural norms 2. Ignoring language barriers 3. Lack of local market knowledge
2: 4. Disregarding time zone differences 5. Failing to adapt communication styles 6. Overlooking legal regulations
3: 7. Not understanding business etiquette 8. Relying too heavily on technology 9. Neglecting to build relationships
4: 10. Assuming one size fits all 11. Skimping on localization efforts 12. Misinterpreting gestures and body language
5: 13. Forgetting to consider social norms 14. Leaving out proper documentation 15. Misjudging local competition
6: 16. Underestimating networking importance 17. Overlooking cultural nuances 18. Not adapting products or services
7: 19. Disregarding currency exchange rates 20. Failing to acknowledge hierarchy 21. Forgetting to show respect and humility
8: 22. Not considering political climate 23. Skipping market research 24. Mismanaging virtual team dynamics
9: 25. Relying on stereotypes 26. Neglecting security risks 27. Ignoring diverse perspectives
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