1: "Enhance Curb Appeal" Boost your property's value by improving its exterior with landscaping and fresh paint.

2: "Upgrade Kitchen and Bath" Invest in modern appliances and fixtures to increase your property's worth and loan potential.

3: "Make Energy-Efficient Upgrades" Installing LED lighting and solar panels can raise your property's value and loan amount.

4: "Add Square Footage" Consider adding extra rooms or expanding living spaces for a higher loan against your property.

5: "Repair and Maintain" Regular upkeep and repairs can prevent depreciation and help secure a larger loan against your property.

6: "Enhance Interior Design" Upgrade your property's aesthetics with trendy decor and stylish finishes for increased value.

7: "Improve the Infrastructure" Address any structural issues and upgrade plumbing and electrical systems for a better loan assessment.

8: "Invest in Smart Home Technology" Incorporate smart features like security systems and thermostats for a more valuable property.

9: "Consult with a Professional" Work with a real estate agent or appraiser to strategize and maximize your property's value for a higher loan amount.